What are limited signed prints?
Certified limited signed editions is a proof of original
Limited signed prints
These copies are printed by me the artist or the process is supervised by me to secure the highest quality, expression , and longevity in the final product.
Paintings exist in only one copy and perhaps a few drafts. This uniqueness is appealing to collectors. It is nice to own something special and the influence on pricing is also important.
However it is the very nature of photography to work with copies. Some art forms like lithography and serigraphy also produce 'original' copies. Artist working in this category produce their work in bundles called limited editions. Each copy is numbered and the total number of copies is also noted next to the signature.
Smaller formats are signed and numbered on the back.
In addition there is a link to the story and other
information about the image.
Because a photo is not printed in all its copies at the same time for stock we cannot legally use the term 'limited edition'. In stead many art photographers state the maximum number of copies we intend to make of a series and keep track of it. This is called limited signed editions.
In my case a series is in a given format. Thus there usually is a series in large format like 50 x 70 cm of max 1 print and a series of 40 x 30 cm of max 5 prints.
For a copy to count as a limited signed print, you must buy it from me, a gallery or an exhibition. Copies from ImageKind, Pixels.com and other web based print services are not considered originals and are not signed with a certificate of authencity. If you are a collector or enjoy being owner of something special you want a signed copy.
Read more about limited series in Questions you might ask.
Certification of Authencity
All medium to large limited signed edition prints comes with a hologram-based certificate of authencity.
I use a Artwork Protection Security system designed by Hahnemühle. This comprise of a printed certificate stating the facts about the print and two serial numbered stickers - one for the certificate and one for the back of the fine art print.
The larger formats of limites signed prints are equiped with a certificat of authencity.
The stickers are holograms and the certificate is printed on paper with UV-security fibres, watermark and deckled edges.
In addition you can look up the certification number and see what image is attached to the certificate on-line.
The certificate also has a link to the page on www.klintesphoto.dk explaining the history and other facts about the image.
Where can I by these prints?
You can buy framed or unframed prints from exhibions, galleries or directly from me (by writing a mail to