Dream Canvas

This project is a step back into the more abstract expressions of my work. Again all motives were photographed and then treated with software in-camera or later on the computer.

Often I used an iPhone with the Hispstamatic filter Dream Canvas - thus the name of this series. In the process a copy of the picture was blended back onto the image after rotation or mirroring. Often a watercolor effects was added and bit of grunching. In addition the colors may have been shifted or replaced.

The motives was mostly car lights, garbage, torn posters, recked signs, wet glass surfaces or plastic parts. With the help of digital tools these boring objects can be turned into vectors for your imagination. Stop thinking for a moment and just watch. Be mindfull.

These pictures and many more (53 in all) are published in my book Dream Canvas that is for sale. You can also buy them as limited prints. For some images the framed canvas format is also on option


More Dreamcanvas...Dream Canvas II





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